Original DR203 Capacitor Condensors to suit
the M1M and M1S

Perfect toolbox spare are these original
specification DR203 Capacitors or sometimes
also called condensors.  

Suits the 12V rides including M1M and M1S.

0.23uF - 0.28uF.  Whats a uF I hear you say.  It
stands for microfarads and is a measure of
capacitance in electrical terminology and is
named after English Physicist Michael Faraday,
hence the capital F.

Item # E363001S        Weight - 20g              USD 3
Easy part to ship
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Let's reflect a little
12v condensor capacitor DR203 0.23uF 0.28uF cj750 chang jiang
12v condensor capacitor DR203 0.23uF 0.28uF cj750 pla volt
12v condensor capacitor DR203 0.23uF 0.28uF cj750 flathead
12v condensor capacitor DR203 0.23uF 0.28uF cj750 sv
12v condensor capacitor DR203 0.23uF 0.28uF cj750 ohv
12v condensor capacitor DR203 0.23uF 0.28uF cj750 m1s
12v condensor capacitor DR203 0.23uF 0.28uF cj750 m1m
12v condensor capacitor DR203 0.23uF 0.28uF cj750 m1
12v condensor capacitor DR203 0.23uF 0.28uF cj750
12v condensor capacitor DR203 0.23uF 0.28uF cj750
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DR201 0.25-0.3uF
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